All Symbolic Jewelry is a Totem, Talisman, Amulet, or Symbol for Good when you set your Intention.
Healing Crystal Necklaces for Men
#MN12 - Intention: Sexual Energy and Overall Passion for Life
Kambara Jasper | Labradorite | Hematite
MEANING OF KAMBARA JASPER: Sexual Energy Necklace and so much more! We thought a lot before we created this necklace. We wanted a necklace that boosted not just sexual energy, but that desire and lust for life that should be present in ALL experiences, not just sexual ones. We really liked the idea of adding Labradorite for spirituality, (if you have every made love with someone you are totally in love with, then you know what a wonderful spiritual experience that can be) and added the grounding influence of Hematite - A stone of the Mind - to help keep your head in charge, rather then perhaps...well...other parts of the body :)
MEANING OF JASPER helps to re-align all chakra's, it integrate those energies for our greatest good. It stabilizes the aura, and provides cleaning of dysfunctional energies. Think of the term "Solid as a Rock" and Jasper comes to mind. It is a stone that works slowly, providing constant, slow, deliberate energy, especially good in time of needed change without the chaos a total upheaval would cause. Excellent for those in hospitals or recuperating from surgery. This is a great combination for men who have physical challenges. Jasper provides courage in the face of adversity.
HEMATITE: Hematite helps one sort out things in ones own mind, and can be useful for a mental "tune up". It helps memory enhancement, original thinking and technical knowledge. Good stone for IT personnel. A calming stone, but also offers support for your hopes, dreams, wishes and desires, by encouraging you to "reach for the sun". Hematite reminds you that the only limitations that exist are those that you place upon yourself. It helps to balance out the emotions and energies between the body, mind and spirit. Not only does it dissolve negativity, but actually transforms it into the energy of Universal Love. Slightly grounding, reduces stress, enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, courage. Stimulates attainment of peace and self-control.
What are Men's Healing Intention Necklaces?
Tools and Symbols that help you focus on what you want more of in your life. Its not voo-doo, or magic, or even mystical. It's just a simple Universal Principle. Whatever you give your attention to will always grow, and whatever you neglect or turn away from will always fade away. Wear your Crystal Healing Necklace to help you stay focused on your true intentions!
Beautiful anklet bracelets handmade and unique especially to the UK I've been purchasing for many years now and never disappointed only downside it takes around 6 weeks to arrive to the UK + Tax to pay
Such beauty is hard to find! Love everything from GemstoneGifts
I have purchased 3 Bracelets for Gents and the Amethyst February Silver Handmade Birthstone Ankle Bracelet and a Healing bracelet for myself.
I cannot say enough about the beauty and love that Shirley puts into everything she makes.
I have bought many healing stone bracelets in the past only to be disappointed in the quality of the stones and finished product. This, I must say is some of the highest quality made bracelets I have purchased. I will definitely be buying more.
It is always a joy to open the package from Gemstone and prepare to give a gift of an anklet to someone special who basically will wear the piece of jewelry until (like in my case) you buy them another anklet to carry on the anklet tradition. Our family is the unusual type, and from my first purchase to use an anklet to help with my health, to one for my wife, then my daughter, and son and so on., and so on..... We enjoy the total package from Gemstone Gifts, EXCELLENT!!!