The Power of Crystals: A Guide to Choosing the Right Bracelet for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
In a world that can be overwhelming and stressful, many people are turning to alternative forms of healing and relaxation. One such method is the use of crystals, which have been used for centuries for their supposed healing properties. In recent years, crystal bracelets have become a popular choice for those seeking to alleviate anxiety and panic attacks. But with so many different types of crystals to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? In this guide, we will explore the power of crystals and provide a comprehensive overview of the best crystals for anxiety and panic attacks.
From Amethyst to Rose Quartz, to Tigers Eye and Hematite we will help you choose the perfect crystal bracelet to help you find peace and calm in your everyday life. So, whether you're a seasoned crystal enthusiast or just starting out on your healing journey, read on to discover the power of crystals and find the perfect bracelet for you.
4 Different GREEN stones were chosen, (Green Fluorite, Green Jade, Green Peridot, and Green Onyx) because green is the color of the Heart Chakra, the color of Healing and Hope
TIGER EYE - THE MOST GROUNDING OF ALL STONES. If you feel nervous, anxious, or fearful much of the time, this is the stone for you. Other Emotional states who most benefit from this stone: People who are easily distracted, adults with A.D.D. or who are Manic/Depressive, procrastinators, people in emotional turmoil, people in transitional states, NEED this stone, as it grounds them as soon as they are in its presence. Especially helpful if you're feeling drained or unfocused.
SODALITE - Balance of Head and Heart. This is a wonderful gemstone for anyone who suffers from anxiety or panic attacks. Many who wear Sodalite feel a deep level of peace and a profound emotional balance. It clears up mental confusion and reestablishes inner peace. Sodalite strengthens the power of mind over body and bridges the gap between your thoughts and your feelings.
SMOKEY QUARTZ - A gentle grounding stone. Excellent for alleviating panic attacks, anxiety and nightmares.
GREEN PERIDOT - Emotional Healer. Peridot has been used as a Power Stone for centuries. Peridot fosters emotional balance, and helps us heal from past emotional wounds.
GREEN FLUORITE- Nourishes your Emotional Health. The energy of Fluorite can inspire the Universal Energies to activate the nourishing energies of the body assisting one in the attainment of the ultimate state of physical health.
GREEN JADE - A Stone of Harmony - A calming stone that brings peace between the physical and emotional structures.
GREEN AVENTURINE - An all-purpose healing stone. A potent stone for relieving stress, anxiety, and emotional discomfort. It helps us to see alternatives and potentials. Excellent career stone for those in stressful situations at work. Reinforces one’s decision making abilities and amplifies leadership qualities. Heals emotional pain, fear and imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart Chakra.
QUARTZ CRYSTAL - Universal healer and energy booster. Amplifier. Focuses, stores, transforms, energizes. Perfect for focusing affirmations and prayers. Stimulates psychic perception. Teaches each person at their own level, and at their own speed. Empowers. Attunes to all chakras, all signs, and all numbers.
- Ask yourself, "What do I want to attract more of into my life?"
- Select the Intention Jewelry that matches your goals and intentions.
- Wear your Crystal Healing Jewelry for 30 Days. (the time it takes to set a new habit).
- Be surprised at the outcome!
How crystals can help with anxiety and panic attacks
Crystals are believed to have a unique energy that can help balance the body and mind. Each crystal is said to have its own set of healing properties, with some believed to be particularly effective for anxiety and panic attacks. When worn as a bracelet, crystals are believed to help regulate the body's energy and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Some people also use crystals for meditation and visualization, helping them to focus their thoughts and release negative emotions. While there is no scientific evidence to support the use of crystals for healing, many people swear by their effectiveness and find them to be a helpful addition to their self-care routine.