T - Meaning of TIGER EYE, Stone of Self-Discipline, Stress, Anxiety

Guide to Using Tigers Eye Crystals and Gemstones as A Symbol, Totem, Talisman or Amulet.

The Meaning of TIGERS EYE: Stone of Self-Discipline

Stress | Anxiety | Grounding

COLOR: Most commonly Rich Golden Yellow with Earthy Browns, but can be red, cream, blue, black. Only found in South Africa.

ELEMENT: Fire and Earth

BIRTHSTONE or Zodiac : Astrological Sign of Sagittarius

CHAKRA: Solar Plexus Chakra. Also be used for Sexual/Creative Chakra (2nd) and the Root Chakra (1st) as a Grounding Stone


ENHANCES THESE CAREERS: Good for drivers, truckers, emergency workers, police, as it aids night vision and calms nerves

KEYWORDS: Protection, Clear Thinking, Personal Empowerment, Integrity, Willpower, Practicality, Balance, Will, Courage

MAJOR PROPERTIES:   Tiger's Eye makes me think of the qualities of the

Mens Tigers Eye Bracelet with Black Onyx

Tiger. Patient, focused, determined, alert, with perfect timing and slow, deliberate actions. This is Tiger Eyes gift to you. 

HEALING COMBINATIONS: Often used as a Lucky Stone with Aventurine, Citrine, Peridot and Jade. 

GENERAL PROPERTIES: Excellent grounding stone! If you need to make some changes in your life, this is the stone for you!  Promotes balance and strength to get through difficult phases of life; relieves doubt and bestows decision making with vision and clarity. Helps one to be practical in the here and now. Buy TIGER EYE STONES HERE


MEDITATION: Tiger Eye is particularly good for those who are having trouble with settling down and quieting the mind during meditating.

STRESS: If you feel nervous, anxious, or fearful much of the time, this is a great stone for you. Especially helpful if you're feeling drained, overwhelmed, confused, or unfocused. 

MONEY: This stone is best suited to earthy people. It has been used to stimulate wealth and abundance, and to enhance the stability required to maintain wealth and keep it without sub coming to wealth's "earthly temptations" of greed and abuse of power.

HARMONY: Tiger Eye helps to see both sides of any situation, and helps to bridge the gap that causes discord in work and family relationships.. Creates order out of chaos. 

HUMILITY: Associated with the correct use of power, courage, and grace, which is using your power to help others, and the ability to see clearly and without illusion.

GROUNDING: Will bring calm and serenity from within, without making you feel dull and lifeless. 

SEXUAL ADDICTIONS: Tiger Eye helps to discipline sexual and emotional energy, helping one to be practical and of discrete mind.

EMOTIONAL:  Especially suited for those seeking Serenity and Calm in their life.

PHYSICAL: Used to treat disorders of the eyes, the throat, reproductive system, and di-ventricular constrictions. Aids in night vision. Helps align spinal column, increase spend needed to heal broken bones, wounds, and bruises. Colon, digestion and stomach problems; alleviates pain.


An Eleventh Step Stone

"New comers" (to recovery programs) , people who are easily distracted, adults with A.D.D. or who are Manic/Depressive, emotionally immature people, procrastinators, people in emotional turmoil, people in transitional states, NEED this stone, as it grounds them as soon as they are in its presence!